Somethings just weren’t meant to last – and the way you used to fundraise is now a thing of the past.

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About URAISE and The Future of Fundraising

Old-style fundraisers can take too much time and give too little reward.

We’re URAISE and we’ve been in the school fundraising industry for decades. We’ve seen, and run, every fundraiser type, and have sold every product available. Regardless of what’s being sold, the “traditional style” fundraiser of old requires a lot of volunteer time, energy and resources. Back in the 1980’s and ’90’s, most people had that sort of time to spare – but life became very busy since then. Your mobile devices connect you to your job, your friends and family, your bills and even your front doorbell – 24/7.  You’re a PTO Sponsor, and most likely a parent as well. You have to run your kids to band or sports activities while making sure dinner is on the table and large chunks of free-time doesn’t exist anymore. This is why URAISE was built for you.

School fundraising built on a mobile platform for PTO Sponsors on the go.

We’ve built a simple and effective fundraising tool that uses mobile technologies to help your group reach it’s goal. URAISE offers group fundraising programs that allow PTO/PTA sponsors to increase their profits, while decreasing the time required to manage them. Our method of how to do fundraising is new and can be run by anyone, anywhere, at anytime – even while on vacation.

Traditional fundraising is dead – and that’s a good thing.

Don’t tell our parents though, they raised us in that industry. However, times have changed and it’s time to bring the fundraising world along with us. We’re here today to eliminate the old fundraising hassles of money collection, lost order forms, heavy catalogs, product delivery and back-orders.

We’re URAISE, and we’re here to make your fundraiser easier.

A Video Introduction to URAISE Fundraising

We’ve Eliminated Everything You Hate About Your Current Fundraiser. URAISE is the Way to Make it Fun Again!