URAISE Handles and Delivers Your Products For You
Ever find yourself wondering how you’re going to store, receive, or distribute pallet after pallet of product?
You’re not alone. For years (in our past lives) we’ve worked with fundraising sponsors to coordinate pallets of product delivery. Is there a shipping dock available? Does this have to be during school hours? Do you have enough freezer space available? Yuck. We could hear the non-verbal cringing over the phone.
URAISE makes this easier. Our programs are setup to eliminate the need for dedicated storage space, volunteer help unloading boxes, dividing products per student, or waiting on parents to pick up their products. The majority of our programs feature a “direct to their door” delivery procedure. Your patrons can browse, order, and pay directly online. We receive/process their orders and then notify them via email that their delivery is on it’s way to their door. In the rare case that there’s something missing or broken, they’ll have a direct line to us for a replacement. (What will you be doing during this process? We don’t know – whatever hobbies you’re into we guess?)
Just wait a second, URAISE. You said “majority of our programs.” What’s that mean? You caught us. We do offer some programs that include frozen items that may or may not be easy to deliver to your area. In the case that they are not, we can still bulk ship those products to a single facility where you can keep them refrigerated until parent pickup. The good new is, you’ll save a few bucks on shipping costs. If this scenario doesn’t work for you, let us know during the planning phases and we’ll set you up with a winning program that eliminates any refrigerated products.