The future of fundraising is here. You are there. You need to be here, helping us re-invent the industry. Fill out the form below and one of us will contact you – to hopefully make you one of us!

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URAISE is the future of fundraising.

You can be the future of URAISE.


Do you find yourself having to work twice as hard to make a fraction of your projected number?

You’re not alone. We’ve on-boarded many reps who have noticed a major shift in the fundraising industry. The traditional catalog sales just aren’t achieving the group’s desired goals like they used to. There’s something missing. We’ve lived in your shoes, for many years, and decided to change the game. URAISE is our answer to helping organizations meet (and exceed) their financial goals without the sweat, tears and end-of-sale hassles. This not only works for the groups and schools hosting the event, it also works for you. Fill out the form to the right, or give us a call to discuss your future with URAISE. I’m sure you’ve read through our website a bit and understand that, as a rep, you have 24/7 access to tracking each of your sales. You’ll have direct access to your groups – helping them along the way. It truly simplifies everyone’s responsibilities. We’re sure you’ll agree and we’re excited to meet you.


Interested in making a few extra dollars?

Hopefully you’ve already run your first fundraising program with URAISE and the realize the kool-aid tastes great. Wanting more, now what do you do? We have opportunities for you to make some extra cheddar by referring other organizations, similar to yours, into the URAISE family. Don’t worry about giving them all the details, that’s our job. All we need you to do is to make the introduction and help us get them signed up. You’ll be doing us, them and yourself a favor by doing so. As you might already know, when it comes to running a fundraiser, once you go “URAISE”, you’ll never miss the “old days.” (cheesy, we know. apologies!)

Tell Us About Yourself!

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